The Spiritual Discipline of Scripture Meditation

Presenter: Dr. Oscar Owens

This is the fourth post of the teaching series: “Healthy Habits of the Christian Life.” Please sign up for this blog at the bottom of the page to be alerted of new posts by the Three Bible Teachers.

Welcome and Introduction (Zoom Class)
This video contains the welcome and introductory remarks from April 30, 2020.

Welcome and Introduction to Zoom Class (4-30-20)

Video on Scripture Meditation
This video introduces the spiritual discipline of Scripture meditation. Scripture meditation is the process of reflecting deeply on God’s Word. It involves reading, repeating, memorizing, and reciting the Scriptures until the Word becomes a part of us. Please enjoy the following presentation by Dr. Oscar Owens.

“The Spiritual Discipline of Scripture Meditation” with Dr. Oscar Owens

Class Discussion, Conclusion, and Prayer

Class Discussion, Conclusion, and Prayer (4-30-20)

Applying What Was Learned: Homework from Dr. Owens

  1. Dr. Owens invites you to choose your favorite Scripture and meditate on it. You may wish to record your experiences with Scripture meditation in a journal. Please email us at to share with us any breakthroughs or insights that you may have.

Quick Links:
Link to: Chart of 52 Disciplines
Link to: Website for Dr. Oscar Owens.

2 thoughts on “The Spiritual Discipline of Scripture Meditation

  1. I am so thankful for all the teachings on spiritual disciplines. A lot of times, I felt that I was the only person convicted to walk in a way that was pleasing before God, but with this Bible Study I am able to connect with others who are walking and inspired to continue seeking God’s face in everything. We may not express ourselves the same or take time to interact in discussions regarding our daily walk with God, but this venue is a great way of taking the time to discuss our walk with God. The way the spiritual disciplines are presented, I am able to confirm a lot of scripture that God has placed in my heart. I am taught through the Holy Spirit which agrees with the teachings of “Three Bible Teachers, and this amazes me and confirms that the Holy Spirit works the same in all of us who believe.

    1. God bless you, Sister Thompson. It is a pleasure to have you in this class, and we appreciate your thoughtful comments. You made a good point about how God is consistent in what he communicates to his people. Because of this, we can walk in accountability with other mature believers with the knowledge that we can keep each other grounded.

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